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Dr. Renata A. Revelo

Dr. Renata A. Revelo is a co-director of the Early Research Scholars Program at UIC. She is a Clinical Associate Professor in the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
Dr. Diana Diaz Herrera

Dr. Joseph Hummel (former ERSP co-director)

Dr. Joseph Hummel was a co-director of the Early Research Scholars Program at UIC during the 2019-2022 academic years.
Anastasiia Rozhkova (Current ERSP Research Assistant)

Anastasiia Rozhkova received the BS and MS degrees from the National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute,” Moscow, Russia, and specialized in electromagnetic methods of nondestructive testing and evaluation. She is currently a Ph.D. candidate in Electrical Engineering and works under the supervision of Prof. Danilo Erricolo. Her research interests include antenna design, wireless sensors, machine learning applications to electromagnetics, and computational electromagnetics. For several years, Anastasiia has worked as a Teaching Assistant in the Electrical and Computer Engineering department and, in 2022, received the College of Engineering Exceptional Teaching Promise Award.
Marius Zavistanavicius (Former ERSP Research Assistant)

Marius Zavistanavicius started at UIC as an undergrad transfer student in 2018 majoring in engineering physics. He was part of the of the first ERSP cohort (2019-2020) and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in the Fall of 2020. Currently, Marius is a Silicon Design Engineering at Accenture in Arizona.
Farid Kenarangi (Former ERSP Research Assistant)

Farid Kenarangi is a former ERSP Research Assistant (Aug 2020- May 2021). Farid received B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from University of Tabriz, Iran in 2015 and joined UIC in 2016 to pursue graduate studies under supervision of Professor Partin-Vaisband. He awarded his M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical and Computer Engineering, respectively in 2020 and 2022 and since then is working as silicon architect at Google.
Dr. Mohammad Taha Khan (Former ERSP Research Assistant)

Taha is currently an Assistant Professor in Computer Science at Washington and Lee University. He completed his Ph.D. in CS from the University of Illinois at Chicago in 2020. His research interests are in computer security, privacy, and human-computer interaction (HCI). During graduate school, Taha has worked on various projects, including understanding the harms of cybercrime, evaluating the privacy of commercial VPN services, and privacy-centric management of longitudinal data in the personal cloud. His work has been accepted to multiple top tier CS conferences, namely IEEE S&P, ACM CHI, IMC and CCS. Taha was a Research Assistant with ERSP during the 2019-2020 academic year.